Start a non-combat mission ("The Curse of Mueletos") in Tierra de los Muertos (G7).Talk to Johnny in Los Toldos (I7) to give the above items.Collect Magical Scroll of Abyss (quest item) x2 by killing Abyss Contractor (100%) in Trinity Elemental Force (Rank 4) mission.Talk to Kurt (aka Nameless Person) in Los Toldos (B5).

You must have an active Otite Perfume or at least Baron Lv.1 to enter Los Toldos via Mamons in Porto Bello Deserted Quay (E3).Trigger quest mail by moving to Los Toldos.Prerequisites: Completed Kurt's Baron Search side quests. You will need to kill monsters in the following field maps: Demonic Ice Wizard's Tower (Rank 3 or Hard).

You will need to complete the following raid missions: