Kiyo easily answers all the questions except for the final one. Meanwhile, the truck Zatch chases stops and drops its cargo which is revealed to be yellowfish. Suzy tries to tell Kiyo "Welcome back" but is constantly interrupted by Kiyo's friends. Zatch accidentally gets his toy Vulcan stuck on a track that drives away and chases after it. Kiyo heads to school, and Zatch tries to follow. This cancels the depression he caused in Italy, and he decides to continue playing to keeping Majirou's memory alive. Nicholas, seeing Folgore's spirit, remembers that his goal was to spread happiness with his bagpipes and proceeds to play a happy tune. Folgore starts to dance his famous song with his cheerful spirit but is overcome by the depression. Folgore meanwhile decides that to combat Nicholas's depression, he must combat the depression in Italy. Nicholas runs away once realizing what he has done to the country. The depression bursts out of the hole and causes the whole country of Italy to suffer a depression. Folgore then attempts to get Nicholas to play his depression into a hole and trap it in there. Next, Folgore takes Nicholas to a forest and tells him to let nature wash away his grief but also fails. Nicholas becomes upset and plays his bagpipes, causing people around him to cry in sorrow. Once there, Folgore shows Nicholas the merry town in Italy and tells him he must remember the good times he had with Majirou. Folgore volunteers to bring Nicholas to Italy to rid his sadness. When he plays his depression through his bagpipes, it causes anyone who hears it to become sad too. Nicolas is upset about Majirou's book becoming burnt. Viz Media has the licensed for its US distribution.

However, only the first 104 were ever dubbed into English.

"Zatch Bell!," the anime adaptation of the Makoto Raiku's 33 volume manga "Golden Gash!!," spans a massive 150 episodes. Eventually, when only ten Mamodo remain on Earth, one by the name of Clear Note takes the other nine on in a grand battle to expedite the eventual conflict. As Zatch and Kiyo continue to excel in the tournament, a Mamodo named Zofis awakens several imprisoned Mamodo this imperils the entire world after the titanic Faudo is awakened. Kiyo serves as Zatch's assistant, helping Zatch to win the tournament in order to achieve his goal of gaining enough power to stop the Millennial Mamodo tournaments for good. However, every Mamodo has a spell book that requires a human assistant to use and also serves as that Mamodo's tether to Earth. "Zatch Bell!," also known as "Golden Gash Bell!!" in Japan, is a comedic fantasy battle anime about Kiyo, a junior high school student, and Zatch Bell, an amnesiac "Mamodo." One hundred Mamodo have headed to Earth to participate in a "Millennial tournament" that will declare the new king of the Mamodo world.